Saturday 29 June 2013

Admission is going on for Full time MBA , B tech , M tech Programs - Last Date 31st July 2013

Vishveshwarya Group of Institutions
 (India , Noida)
Program –MBA Employability
Qualification - Graduation in any stream with MAT CAT  UPTU or any other Score card would be accepted
Seat: 60
Last Date of Submitting Application – 31st July 2013
Programs and Campus Highlights :
§  MBA and PGDM ( 50% Theoratical + 50% Corporate Exposure )
§  Corporate Trainer for MBA Employability Program
§  Affordable Fee
§  Education Loan available
§  Employability Skill Development
§  Foreign Language Training
§  Placement Assistance
§  Regular Industrial Visit, Live Project
§  Laptop, Book and Study Material
§  Air Conditioner Classroom fitted with Multimedia Projectors
§  100% Placement Guaranteed for MBA Employability Program

For detail regarding admission Contact us at 7428344960

Saturday 8 June 2013

Problems are inevitable; your response to it is optional

Problems are inevitable; your response to it is optional

No matter how much sadness is there in your life, how much pain do you have, how much trouble you are in.... there is always a reason to smile. There is always a way to be happy. There is always a door that, if opened, will give you surprises. All you need to learn is to be calm. You don't need to be panic. Just take a deep breath and divert your mind, though it is not easy at first. Whenever we are in grief, we ,as a human being, tend to think about the problem most of the times. We never think of anything else. This is the main reason we remain in pain and sad mood.  
Your focus decides everything. You get what you think. Before going to the exam, people greet us with wishes like "best of luck, all the best" etc. These are nothing but the way of creating a positive environment around you and within you. This positive environment deviate your mind away from the nervousness and you feel relaxed; and when you are relaxed ,you perform better.  Also, when you are sick or having a plaster on your hand or leg, people say "get well soon". They are not doctors, they are not magicians. they are just the mean of jolting your mind and to deliver this message that everything will be fine if you start thinking positively.
Positive thinking is very helpful. It gives you hope. It gives you courage of going through the tough times. It makes you strong. It tells you "this will also pass away".
Life is not meant for moaning over your problems. It's about remembering good times and learning from tough times. 
Only people who are not going through tough times, who are free from problems are dead. You are alive. 
Mahatma Buddha said , "problems are inevitable, your response to them is optional, it's your choice". So focus on what you can do. Don't crib about the thing that is not in your control. Your main motive should be to be happy. When you know that you cann't control something then rathar than being irritated about the thing, be polite and accept the reality that "i will have to go through it, so why not with a big smile on my face and why not consider it a challenge and not a difficulty".... It will not eradicate the problem but give you a strength to go through it. 
Our problems make us experienced. It's upto you what do you want to experience- pain or learning.

One easy question for genius guys

Thursday 6 June 2013

Money has no memory, Experience has

Money has no memory. Experience has. You will never know what the total cost of your education was, but for a lifetime you will recall and relive the memories of schools and colleges. Few years from now, you will forget the amount you paid to settle the hospitalization bill, but will ever cherish having saved your mother's life or the life you get to live with the just born. You won't remember the cost of your honeymoon, but to the last breath remember the experiences of the bliss of togetherness. Money has no memory. Experience has.  

Good times and bad times, times of prosperity and times of poverty, times when the future looked so secure and times when you didn't know from where the tomorrow will come... life has been in one way or the other a roller-coaster ride for everyone. Beyond all that abundance and beyond all that deprivation, what remains is the memory of experiences. Sometimes the wallet was full... sometimes even the pocket was empty. There was enough and you still had reasons to frown. There wasn't enough and you still had reasons to smile. Today, you can look back with tears of gratitude for all the times you had laughed together, and also look back with a smile at all the times you cried alone. All in all, life filled you with experiences to create a history of your own self, and you alone can remember them all. Fact remains the same cost of the experience will be forgotten, but the experience never.

You can still take your parents, if not on a pilgrimage, at least to the local temple. You can still play with your children, if not on an international holiday, at least in the local park. It doesn't cost money to lie down or to take a loved one onto your lap. Aspects like your health, knowledge development and spiritual growth are not economy dependent.

Time will pass... economy will revive... currency will soon be in current... and in all this; I don't want you to look back and realize you did nothing but stayed in gloom. If you are not happy with what you have, no matter how much more you have, you will still not be happy.

Make a statement with the way you live your life. Respect life, live with passion.

Always remember this: "If you wait to be happy you will never be happy!

Tuesday 28 May 2013

How to Brag Without Being Arrogant?


1.       Start with a confident, not arrogant, mindset. Arrogance comes from a place of insecurity. Arrogant people speak loudly about their accomplishments or their possessions to get attention from other people. Most likely, they're covering up their own feelings of being not good enough.

·         When you're confident in your mind, you're secure because you know yourself and you know what you have to offer. You're never motivated to brag just to feel superior to other people. You promote yourself because you know that what you have to offer can truly benefit other people. For example, "My proven experience as a leader makes me the perfect person for this team." You're bragging about your skills but at the same time you know in your mind that your skills can benefit others.
·         Ask yourself why you're about to brag. If you're bragging about yourself just to impress other people or to make yourself feel better than them, then you're going to come across as arrogant. Confident people know that although not everyone will like them, they should still pursue what matters to them without being fazed by unwarranted criticism. You know when you're bragging about something that you've done because you're trying to fish for compliments. When that happens, keep quiet and focus on developing inner confidence instead of verbally boasting.
2.       Speak purposefully about yourself. We all like to tell others about what we've done, experienced and achieved in life. If people realize they've learned something from you rather than thinking you're merely bragging about yourself, then they'll see the leader in you and appreciate your qualities for what they really are.

·         Focus on pointing out your achievements with a sense of purpose. Convey ideas and guidance for others who want to do something similar. Then, you'll have an opportunity to brag a little while teaching others the principles behind your successful approaches. For example, "I hear you want to do a fundraiser for an overseas trip. I raised $30,000 last year for my organization by doing ________. If you want to chat sometime, I'm here to help."
·         Talk about your strengths. If you're looking for a leadership role in your workplace, community or school, you have to prove that you're a strong leader who has what it takes to do the job. Just remember to point out how those strengths will benefit other people instead of just bragging about yourself to stroke your own ego. For instance, "One of my strengths is my ability to motivate people. If you choose me for this job, you'll get someone who can rally other people behind what we want to accomplish."
3.       Admit your insecurities. Many people brag to cover up feelings of inadequacy. Even the most confident people in the world sometimes wonder if they're going to be able to do what they need to do.

·         Showing vulnerability in public is actually a sign of strength, especially when you share your feelings so that you can help others who are feeling the same doubts that you've felt. In this way, you're an example of how it is possible to be both an achiever and someone who has to overcome insecurities, inspiring others to believe they can do the same.
·         Acknowledge feelings of anxiety or nervousness. For example, you can say, "There were times when I really doubted whether we could win the election, and I used to not be able to sleep at night. You may be feeling the same way now, but just keep doing what you think is right and you'll be okay." Everyone takes comfort in the idea that the people that they look up to feel insecure sometimes, too.
·         Laugh at yourself when you make a mistake. Don't cover up for mistakes by making excuses. People will appreciate your ability to assess yourself honestly and with good humor.
4.       Keep the "I" out of it. When you're talking about yourself, don't use the word "I" in every sentence. You'll come across as arrogant, self-centered and self-absorbed. You can't accomplish everything on your own, and you shouldn't take full credit for every good thing that's happened to you. A person who can unite other people together behind a cause and acknowledge their work is much more valuable than someone who takes all of the credit for everything.
·         Use "we" instead of "I." For example, you can say, "We won the championship because we came together as a team, and I was pleased to make contributions were a part of that ream victory."
·         Give other people kudos. Whatever you've done, you've done thanks to the help and support of others. For instance, "I started my own successful business, but I never could have done it without the friends and family who backed me every step of the way."
5.       Avoid the sound of your own voice. Arrogant, self-centered people tend to go on and on about themselves and their exploits while their listeners are looking for an escape route.
·         Learn to spot body language cues like glazed eyes, glancing at the watch or picking at fluff on clothing. These cues can show you that you're getting tiresome and you need to stop bragging. Stop talking about yourself and ask the other person about himself or herself.
·         Aim to listen and to give summary feedback that reveals that you understand what the listener has said. For example, "What I hear you saying is..." Doing so is both a compliment to them and an excellent reflection on your character. Listening will always impress people, especially when you make it clear you understand.
·         Be concise. If you can get your idea across in a 1 or 2 sentence statement, what you say is more likely to stick in people's minds. If you ramble on about yourself for 15 minutes, then people are going to run away from you the next time they see you coming down the hall because they'll think you're arrogant and annoying.

6.  Avoid criticizing other people to feel good about yourself
. Arrogant people try to bring everyone else down, but generous people build people up.
·         Don't criticize others in the same breath as touting your achievements or play "one-upmanship" games. Do compliment them on anything you actually like or appreciate about them. "You're a great listener. I love hanging around with you." Or "I like the way you always speak up for yourself. It makes you bold and interesting."
·            Frame your opinions of others in a positive or neutral way when you talk about them. If you can't say something genuinely positive, then say something neutral. For example, instead of saying, "Carmen is a terrible salesperson," say, "I've noticed that Carmen seems to struggle to connect with people during a sales transaction.
7.      Build your self-confidence. Instead of bragging to other people in the hopes that they'll give you an ego boost, find new ways to increase your confidence in yourself.
·         Notice the frequency at which people compliment you. If you receive a lot of compliments for your work, for your qualities as a friend or family member, or for your creativity, then you can absorb the compliments and feel good about what you do.
·         Do things for other people. Helping others, telling a joke, doing a creative work or making someone's day with a compliment will make you feel good about yourself without the need to boast about your greatness.
·         Hang out with people who like you and appreciate you exactly as you are. So many people focus attention on pleasing unworthy people who only drag them down instead of relying on people who accept them without conditions.
·         Make yourself proud. Define your priorities and your values and live by them without expecting compliments. When you're authentic, you will never have to brag in order to feel good about your choices.
8.  Let your actions do the talking for you. The way that you conduct yourself, if you're honorable, will win you the respect of many people. You won't have to brag at all because people will admire you just for how you live your life. If you want to fill a room with awe when you walk in, you'll need to do something to deserve it.

Monday 27 May 2013

Why is Education so Important?

Why is Education so Important?

 Aristotle said, “The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead.” If we want to understand and live life we need to seek an education. The courses and textbooks teach us how to think logically, mathematically, and scientifically. The classroom environment teaches us how to think emotionally, rationally, and socially. Our intelligence grows out of what we know and learn.
Knowledge unlocks human potential. As we learn, we can pull ourselves out of poverty and oppression. We can take control of our lives.

Education Charts your Future

President Obama  said to America’s youth, “Where you are right now doesn’t have to determine where you’ll end up. No one’s written your destiny for you. Because here in America you write your own destiny, you make your own future.” This counsel applies to all Americans no matter their situation or age. Education provides us the opportunity to discover what we are good at and what we can offer. We can then apply those skills and passions in a career.
The future is full of challenges.  We need to learn the sciences to cure cancer, the technology to build better computers, and the history to heal nations.  Higher education prepares us to meet and conquer these and other challenges.

Education Brings Benefits

With increased learning and knowledge, we are more able to support our families and ourselves.  Having a college degree shows hard work and dedication. We will be more likely to be considered for promotions and be better able to change jobs or careers, if needed.
The majority of college graduates earn higher salaries than those with little or no higher education. The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports that those with advanced degrees earned about two times the median weekly earnings for those with a high school diploma or equivalent.  Unemployment levels are also significantly lower for those carrying a college degree.

Education Builds Character

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated, “The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, but with no morals.” Everyone has gifts and talents. Education teaches us how to develop those talents and uphold good morals.
Where do we learn to share? Where do we learn not to hit or hurt each other? Where do we learn to say we are sorry? Where do we learn to clean up after ourselves? Where do we learn honesty? Where do we learn the Golden Rule?
School teaches us how to live and how to function in society. These simple principles are repeated from kindergarten to college graduation. Without education we lose the little rules that make living possible.
We come to understand humanity through our educational experiences. We learn the basic social standards of our culture and look into the standards of other cultures. Surrounded by diverse classmates we learn together and from each other. We form relationships. We learn to work together. We learn to respect one another’s opinions. We learn how to ask questions and most importantly we learn how to listen.
Education is the pathway to the future we want.  Going to college and gaining a higher education allows us to develop our skills and abilities. We can be more prepared for the workforce. We can meet the challenges of today and tomorrow with confidence.  Our increased knowledge and degree can help us earn more money. Why is education so important? Without education, as described by Aristotle, we just might not be living life.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

MBA in Oil and Petroleum Management

For pursuing a colorful, highly paid management career in the fast growing Oil & Petroleum domain, the International Institute of Management and Technology Studies (IIMTS) offers a unique diploma program that has been formulated to produce future managers and leaders who can handle the ever changing nature of challenges and opportunities of this rapidly evolving sector. You will develop thorough understanding of strategic business issues across the entire hydrocarbon value chain from exploration to retailing of petroleum and petroleum products. To facilitate your Continuing educational and developmental journey, IIMTS offers a spacious picturesque campus with state-of the-art facilities: super specialized Living Labs, Advanced Computer Centre with wi-fi all over the campus, e-enabled Learning Resource Centre, all of which add to the learning at IIMTS. We also offer extensive counseling and Personality Development Programs (PDPs) during the tenure at IIMTS. Industry tours and summer internships are mandatory to groom and facilitate students for their career ahead.
While these are some clear indicators of the growth potential for this sector, the latest PwC-Petrofed report also projects a huge shortage of skilled manpower and professionals in the Indian Oil & Gas industry, which will hit about 30,000 by the year 2012. Remuneration packages in the Oil & Gas industry are also set to rise.
Diploma in Oil and Petroleum Management is a real passport for achieving the best career in the following areas:
• National and multinational energy companies
• Foreign Oil Companies
• Technical Service Providers
• Petroleum Consultancies
• Tertiary Sector (Insurance,Business Advisory & Consulting)
• Associated Petroleum Industries – Petrochemical, Paints & Dyes
• Energy ministries
• Investment Sector
IIMTS with the sole aim of parting the best training in the world pro-actively involved in research and development activities. Our exclusive dedicated management resource personnel are deeply engaged in exploring, discovering and understanding various aspects of core sectors in chosen domains.
Our Students are taught and groomed in an environment akin to the most sophisticated corporate houses across the globe. They learn to handle and work with the latest presentation equipment that gives them the confidence to present in front of diverse audiences and emerging Industries.
·         For establishing the best platform for entry level professionals in the Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation sectors.
·         We emphasize in developing academic and training competencies in teaching professionals to help them create activity oriented professionals for the Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation sectors.
·         To play a key role in designing, developing and delivering cutting edge education and training for working professionals in the Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation sectors.
·         To provide support to research, consultancy and development activities in all technical and managerial aspects of the Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation sectors.
For Detail Contact us at 7428344960 ( Delhi )